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AIDA 3 (level 2) 

Advanced Techniques for the Passionate Freediver


Interested in going deeper and improving your technique? This course goes into the theory of freediving in more depth which will allow you to understand the physiology and techniques behind diving deeper. The course will help you improve your freediving performance whilst advancing your safety and rescue skills.



  • Minimum Age: 16

  • Have completed an AIDA 2* course (or equivalent)

  • Open Water Training: 4 sessions

  • Pool Training: Static session + Dynamic Session


Successful completion of this course results in an International Certification from AIDA.


To become a certified AIDA 3 star freediver you will be required to perform a 2 minute 45 breath-hold, swim 55 m underwater with fins and dive to 24m in the open water.

The correct skills and techniques will be taught throughout the course to assist you in achieving these goals.



 390 USD

Duration of course:

3 Day

Special Package:

AIDA 3 + 4 1on1 private coached dives:  840 USD (5 days)

One on one Personal AIDA 3 course: 890 USD



All our AIDA courses include International AIDA certification fees and all equipment you need.



Prerequisite certification: AIDA 2 or equivalent

Course Length: three Days (from 9.00 to 17.00)

What You’ll Learn

  • Physics of Freediving

  • Advanced Physiology of Freediving

  • Mammalian Diving Reflex

  • Training Concepts

  • Buddy System

  • Planning a Dive Session

  • Equalization techniques and barotromas.

  • Buoyancy Issues and Free Falling for Deeper Freediving

  • Safety Equipment and Rescue for Deeper Freediving

  • Dry training for Freediving

  • Advanced Breathing techniques – Pranayama.

  • Relaxation and Hypnotic techniques for Freediving.

  • Ethics of Freediving

What Our Students Say

"Great practice with some of the best in the world."

Reginald, Austria

Advanced Techniques for the Passionate Freediver

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